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EnumeratorCancellation: CancellationToken parameter from the generated IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator will be unconsumed

Introduction If you're lucky enough to be using moderately new tech at work, or you just love trying out all the new goodies, you've probably had a chance to play around with IAsyncEnumerable<T> It does not take long until you come across CS8425 compiler warning, specifically if you're using yield and await keywords, and letting compiler do the heavy lifting of generating an implementation for you. CS8425 Async-iterator member has one or more parameters of type 'CancellationToken' but none of them is decorated with the 'EnumeratorCancellation' attribute, so the cancellation token parameter from the generated 'IAsyncEnumerable<>.GetAsyncEnumerator' will be unconsumed Don't know about you, but I didn't really understand what this warning actually means the first time I saw it. And the second time too. 😁 But hey - as application developers we've authored quite a lot of unreadable error messages ourselves, we have ...
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EXEC : error : DIA SDK is missing at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\DIA SDK". Make sure you selected the correct dependencies when installing Visual Studio. [C:\w\corefx\src\Native\build-native.proj]   Visual Studio Express does not include the DIA SDK. You need Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (Community is free).   See: C:\w\corefx\src\Native\build-native.proj(50,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\w\corefx\src\Native\build-native.cmd" x64 Debug Windows_NT outconfig netcoreapp-Windows_NT-Debug-x64" exited with code 1. Build FAILED. EXEC : error : DIA SDK is missing at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\DIA SDK". Make sure you selected the correct dependencies when installing Visual Studio. [C:\w\corefx\src\Native\build-native.proj] C:\w\corefx\src\Native\build-native.proj(50,5...